Friday, February 15, 2008

Some Complex Cloth (well, not too complex)

I've been playing with layering monoprinting, stamping, fabric & dye-painting in various combinations for the last week or two, making what Jane Dunnewold calls "complex cloth" ( Some of my experiments are coming out as murky disasters, others as appealing if sort of odd bits & pieces. Whatever - it's the process that's utterly addicting.
Here's one of the simpler pieces: monoprinted with green & blue dyes, overpainted with diluted Pebeo fabric paint (the yellow), and stamped with my own hand-carved stamps (the leaves) & a chunky foam stamp from Michaels (the dark bird-shapes).Posted by Picasa
I'll post more results as my technology allows; currently, it is all in revolt. Both of the computers I use for creating, saving, and sharing my stuff have given up the ghost, or at least are entering a prolonged rebellious stage. Too frustrating - better to go back to my dye & paint pots until Mercury comes out of retrograde, or the resident Wizard has time to fix it all!